
FU-350A 350W 300W FM power amplifier pallet module75Mhz - 110Mhz input 3W output 350W

FU-350A 350W  FM exciter  amplifier pallet module 75Mhz - 110Mhz input 3W output 350W
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Application: This product is mainly used for  rf transmitter  equipment production and assembly.
Performance characteristics:
The entire board with blue double-sided high-frequency epoxy PCB. Excellent high frequency characteristics of beautiful appearance.
 fm radio broadcast transmitter  structure includes an RF amplifier circuit.
The RF amplifier consists of well-known manufacturers NXP BLF278. Amplifier input power of 3.5W, the power amplifier output of 350 watts.
Technical parameters:
Power supply voltage: 48 ~ 50V
Operating Current: ≤ 11A
Efficiency: 68%
Frequency Range: 85MHz ~ 110MHz (maximum range 75MHz ~ 110Mhz)
Bandwidth: 35MHz
Gain: 19 in dBm
Input power: ≤ 3.5 watts, 4.5 watts maximum input
Output power: 350 watts (to adjust the input power can change the output power).
Harmonic Suppression: -65 dB
Flatness: <1 dBm
Operating temperature: -20 ℃ ~ 45 ℃
Duty: Continuous work
PCB Dimensions: Length 102MM * 35MM * 57MM * thick, wide
The other specifications of the amplifier, please contact us atsky@cantonmade.com

